Owner: Zygmunt II August, król Polski ( 1520 - 1572)
Description: The text "[...] L.M.X. ET FRANCISCVM GALLIAE REGEM" on the first cover of the book in gold (now faded). Two shapes of the coats of arms, with two crowns on the tops, a symbol of the kingdom of Poland (an eagle image and initial S) and a symbol of the monarchy of Lithuania (a knight on the horse), ribbons, vignette. Text: "Sigismundi Augusti Regis Poloniae Monumentum 1554" on the back cover of the book in gold (now faded). Supralibros is faded.
Transcription: 1. [...] L.M.X. et Franciskum Galliae Regem. 2. Sigismundi Augusti Poloniae Monumentum 1550
Source: Concordata, Co[n]cordata inter Sanctissimu[m] dominu[m] nostrum Papam Leonem decimum et Christianissimum dominum nostrum Regem Franciscum [...] Anno Domini Millesimo Quinge[n]tesimo decimoseptimo [...] / Una cum Joa[n]nis Dayma Baione[n]sis [...] commentariolis & aliis additionibus [...] ; Accessit etiam [...] Tabula vtilissima [...]. , (Lugduniq[ue] speciosis typis excusa : in edibus [...] Jacobi Myt [...] : Expensis vero Guilelmi de Guelques, 1535
Institution: Wrocław, Ossolineum Shelfmark: sdXVI-9571 Location: Front cover
Place of use: Polen Century: 16th Exact Date: 1550
Type: Supralibros Technique: Gold
Height: 13 cm Width: 16,5 cm


49L27 mark of ownership

25F33(EAGLE) predatory birds: eagle

46A124 knight

49M51 book-cover, binding

49L17 initial

44B194 coat of arms (symbol of sovereignty)

41D2653 border, ribbon, braid

See: http://hpb.cerl.org/record/PLOLW.CAT.vtls000190037
Other usage: https://pda.cerl.org/id/cerlpda_ec73d# https://pda.cerl.org/id/cerlpda_232e8#
Last Edited: 2023/08/01 12:47:22
Uploaded by:Laura8#
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