Description: The text "Basilii Magni de institvenda stvdiorvm ratione" on the first cover of the book in gold tooling. Supralibros in the shape of a circle, two coats of arms, with a large crown on the top. Coat of arms on the left side is a symbol of the kingdom of Poland (a crowned eagle image) and a coat of arms on the right side is a symbol of monarchy of Lithuania (a knight on the horse), ribbons, vignette. Words on the circle: "Sigismvndvs Avgvstvs Rex Polon[iae] [Ma]gnus Dux Lithvaniae". Text: "Sigismvndi Avgvsti Regis Poloniae Monvmentvm 1559" on the back cover of the book in gold.
Transcription: Sigismundus Augustus Rex Poloniae Magnus Dux Lithuaniae
Basilius Magnus, s., D. Basilii magni de instituenda studiorum ratione ad nepotes suos oratio paraenetica graece et latine, ut cum annotationibus Justini Gobleri conferri possit.
, Basileae : per H. Petrum, [1537].
Place of use: Polen
Exact Date: 1559
Type: Supralibros
Technique: Gold
Height: 7 cm
Last Edited: 2023/07/28 11:55:09
Uploaded by:Laura8#