Owner: Smith, John
Description: Notes in several different hands (16th- and early 17th-century) on title-page, upper endpapers, inside lower cover, and in margins, in Latin, English, and, occasionally, Greek; some are trimmed. The marginal notes are mostly names of plants, in Latin and English. The hands (of which there are perhaps 5?) appear to include those of John Smith, Gilbert Diglen (fol. 19 verso?), and John West (eg. fol. 74). Inscription on title-page, in a later 16th?-century hand: "Gilb[ert] Diglen. Christi: Coll: Canta:", with motto "Guardiano mio e Dio". Gilbert Diglande, 1570-1668, also known as Diglen, matric. pens. from Christ’s (Cambridge), June, 1588, from Warwickshire. He moved to St Edmund Hall, Oxford, 22 Oct., 1591, age 21; B.A. from St Alban’s Hall, Oxford, 1592, as Diglen.--A Cambridge Alumni Database (Venn). IS monogram (of John Smith) on title-page, in two different inks, following notes in Latin; and "John Smith", below what is perhaps a price, partly trimmed.This is perhaps John Smith, nephew of Richard Smith the founder of Lincoln Christ’s Hospital School, who practised medicine in London 1591-1620.
Source: Fuchs, Leonhart, 1501-1566, De historia stirpium commentarii insignes, : maximis impensis & vigiliis elaborati, Leonharto Fuchsio medico clarissimo, authore. Scholiis in singula propè capita longè utilissimis à uiro quodam medicinæ doctissimo adiectis, & pla[n]tarum uoces Gallicas passim exprimentibus. Accessit iis succincta admodum vocum difficilium & obscurarum passim in hoc opere occurrentiu[m] explicatio. Vnà cum triplici indice, quorum primus quidem stirpium nomenclaturas Græcas, alter Latinas, tertius officinis seplasiariorum & herbariis usitatas, continet.. , Parisiis, : Ex officina Iacobi Gazelli, in uico D. Ioannis Lateranensis, prope Collegium Cameracense., anno 1543 decima Februarii..
Institution: Oxford, Bodleian Library Shelfmark: Lincoln CHS 23
Century: 16th , 17th
Type: Manuscript annotations / marginalia
Notes: Presented to the Bodleian Library by The Foundation of Christ’s Hospital at Lincoln.
Last Edited: 2018/06/05 00:00:00
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