Owner: Lerch von Dürmstein, Caspar (1575 - 1642)
Description: Inscriptions of Caspar Lerch von Dürmstein
Transcription: on fol. [i2 r]: Sum ex bibliotheca Caspari quarti Lerch in Dürmstein: Sacri Romani Imperii nobilis immediati Rhenensis; on fol. [v8 r]: Anno Chri(sti) 1476. Sum Caspari Lerch in Dürmstein nominis huius proprii in generatione prosapie Lerckellanae quarti
Source: Bämler, Johann, Chronik von allen Kaisern, Königen und Päpsten [=Jacob Twinger von Königshoven, Cronica, Extracts (Chap. 2 and 30]. Add: Die Reformation des Kaisers Siegmund. Die Reformation des Kaisers Friedrich. , Augsburg Johann Bämler 1476
Institution: Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland Shelfmark: KW 169 C 19 Location: [i2 r], [v8 r]
Place of use: Dirmstein Century: 16th , 17th Exact Date: 1575 - 1642
Type: Ownership inscription Technique: Black Ink
Notes: Uploaded by: Lucrezia Signorello


49L27 mark of ownership

49L8 inscription

See: https://data.cerl.org/mei/02101917
Last Edited: 2019/11/13 16:54:18
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