Description: Ownership Inscription of Józef Mennertius (1540-1601).
Transcription: M. Iosephus Mennertinus comparavit pro suo et amicoru[m] usu.
Auger, Edmond, Catechismvs, Id Est Catholica Christianæ Iuuentutis Institutio / Autore M. Emondo Augerio, Societatis Iesv Theologo.
, Lvtetiae : Apud Sebastianum Niuellium [...], [post 22.VIII] 1568
Place of use: Polen
Type: Ownership inscription
Technique: Ink
Height: 1 cm
Width: 7 cm
Notes: The title page of the second book bound in this Sammelband has an owner inscription: Empt[us]. à M. Iosepho Mennertio.
49L7 handwriting, written text
49L8 inscription
Last Edited: 2023/07/22 16:32:26
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