Description: Ownership mark of the Włocławek Seminary created in the 30s of the 20th cent. by Adam Półtawski (1881-1952), Polish graphic designer. The mark's initials: "CHW" refer to the then name of the Włocławek Seminary named after Chodyński brothers, priests and head librarians who greatly contributed to the library development in th 19th/20th cent.
Source: Nicolaus de Ausmo, Supplementum Summae Pisanellae. Add: Alexander de Nevo: Consilia contra Judaeos foenerantes; Astesanus de Ast: Canones poenitentiales , Venice : Franciscus Renner, de Heilbronn, 1482.
Institution: Włocławek, Seminary Shelfmark: XV.O.44
Place of use: Włocławek Century: 20th Exact Date: 30s of the 20th c.
Type: Monogram Technique: Stamp


49L17 initial

49L27 mark of ownership

Last Edited: 2023-03-20 20:50:03
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