Owner: cnp01984571
Source: , Horae [Dutch] Getijdenboek
Institution: Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland Shelfmark: KW 150 E 13 Location: front pastedown and front flyleaves
Place of use: cnl00016270 Century: 19th Exact Date: 5 March 1878
Type: Name Technique: ink


49L12 Roman script; scripts based on the Roman alphabet

49L8 inscription

61B2(Willem Moll)3 historical person (Willem Moll) - other representations to which the NAME of a historical person may be attached (Willem Moll)

55B(+3) Possession (+ symbolical representation of concept)

See: https://data.cerl.org/mei/02101580
Last Edited: 2018/09/05 11:00:59
Uploaded by:Etienne Posthumus


2018-09-05 09:06:31.223780 mvandelft54@gmail.com

Dit is dat

2018-09-06 09:22:06.476227 info@eromm.org


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