Owner: Choulant, Ludwig
Description: Inscription of Ludwig Choulant
Transcription: Ex libris Ludovici Choulant. Dresdae, 1830.
Source: Aristoteles, De pomo et morte. Add: Johannes Gerson: Ars moriendi , [Antwerp Mathias van der Goes 1486-91]
Institution: Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland Shelfmark: KW 150 B 7 [1] Location: Front endleaves
Place of use: Dresden Century: 19th Exact Date: 1830
Type: Ownership inscription Technique: Manuscript
Height: 1,5 Width: 6,5
Notes: Location in source: front endleaf verso


49M8 ex-libris

49L7 handwriting, written text

49L27 mark of ownership

49L8 inscription

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