Owner: Ehrman, John Patrick William
Description: Ex-Libris of J.P.W. Ehrman
Transcription: Bibliotheca Broxbourniana J.P.W. E[hrman]. 17 March 1949 Ex Dono A & R. E.
Source: Versoris, Johannes, Quaestiones super Metaphysicam Aristotelis (cum textu) , [Cologne Heinrich Quentell 1493-94]
Institution: Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland Shelfmark: KW 171 C 33 Location: Back pastedown
Place of use: Broxbourne Century: 20th
Type: Ex-Libris Technique: Pasted in
Height: 5.4 Width: 5.4


49M8 ex-libris

49L27 mark of ownership

48A98 ornaments ~ art

49L17 initial

31D8 personal name

Last Edited: 2019/07/25 21:37:15
Uploaded by:Anne van Beest
v 20240124