Owner: Unidentified Owner
Description: Unidentified coat of arms pasted onto the last page: or, a goat sable saliant on a mount of the same; the arms are surrounded by foliate and floral decoration.
Source: Uberti, Fazio degli, Dittamondo [Italian verse] , Vicenza Leonardus Achates de Basilea [Nov.] 1474
Institution: Oxford, Bodleian Library Shelfmark: Auct. 2Q 3.50. Location: [o4v]
Place of use: Italia Century: 16th
Type: Coat of arms Technique: Illumination
Height: 3 cm Width: 3 cm


44B194 coat of arms (symbol of sovereignty)

47I214 goat

48AA983 ornament derived from plant forms - AA - stylized

See: https://data.cerl.org/mei/00213330
Last Edited: 2020/02/11 09:16:47
Uploaded by:Marieke Van Delft
v 20240124