Owner: Augustiner-Eremitenkloster St. Johannes Baptista, Johannes Evangelista, München ( 1294 - 1803)
Description: Ex-Libris with Maria in heaven, surrounded by putti. Below a heart on a stick pierced with arrows. On the left a lamb bearing a banner. On the left an right side two figures. The left person with a chalice with snake, the right with a cup. Detail of page.
Transcription: In capitals: "Ad Bibliothecam Conventus Monacensis Ord: Erem: S-P Aug:"
Source: Turrecremata, Johannes de, Expositio super toto psalterio , [Augsburg] Johann Schüssler [not after 1471]
Institution: Free Library of Philadelphia Shelfmark: C-W 9 Location: Front pastedown
Place of use: München Century: 18th Exact Date: 1701-1750
Type: Ex-Libris Technique: Printed


49M8 ex-libris

11G191 angel(s) represented as child(ren)

11H(JOHN) the apostle John the Evangelist; possible attributes: book, cauldron, chalice with snake, eagle, palm, scroll

11H(JOHN THE BAPTIST) John the Baptist; possible attributes: book, reed cross, baptismal cup, honeycomb, lamb, staff

11D1311 lamb bearing cross or banner, 'Agnus Dei' ~ symbol of Christ

11F624 Mother of Mercy, 'Mater Misericordiae', 'Schutzmantelmadonna', 'Schutzmantelmaria'

11P31131 insignia of bishop, e.g. mitre, crozier

45C15(ARROW) archer's weapons: arrow

31A22210 heart symbolism

See: https://data.cerl.org/mei/02146181
Last Edited: 2023-03-20 20:50:03
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