Owner: Wlawski, Szymon
Description: Ownership inscription of Szymon Wlawski.
Transcription: "Simon Vlavi[us]"
Source: Vergilius Maro, Publius, Opera [Bucolica and Georgica, with argumenta (comm. Servius and Landinus); Aeneis, with argumenta (comm. Servius, Donatus and Landinus)]. Add: Maphaeus Vegius: Liber XIII Aeneidos. Additional texts , Nuremberg Anton Koberger 1492
Institution: Warszawa, Biblioteka Uniwersytecka Shelfmark: Sd. 52.23 Location: a2 r.
Century: 16th
Type: Ownership inscription Technique: Ink


49L8 inscription

49L27 mark of ownership

See: https://data.cerl.org/mei/02140148
Last Edited: 2018/06/05 00:00:00
Uploaded by:Martyna Osuch
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