Owner: Sion College Library (1630 - 1996)
Description: Ex-libris of Sion College library, London
Transcription: Coll. de Sion Lond. MDCXXX Sion College Library
Source: Aristoteles, De anima (Comm: Johannes Mechlinia). Add: Gerardus de Harderwyck: Epitome , Cologne Johann Koelhoff, the Elder 28 Feb. 1491
Institution: Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland Shelfmark: KW 171 C 32 Location: Front pastedown
Place of use: Londen Century: 20th
Type: Ex-Libris Technique: Printed
Height: 16 Width: 12.5
Notes: Former Owner: Sion College Library, London


49M8 ex-libris

49L27 mark of ownership

46A122 armorial bearing, heraldry

25F23(WOLF) beasts of prey, predatory animals: wolf

49LL71 scroll - LL - scroll unfolded

48AA9834 unidentifiable plant forms ~ ornament - AA - stylized

48A9851 ribbon, scroll, banderole ~ ornament

See: https://data.cerl.org/mei/02100773
Last Edited: 2019/10/23 11:50:05
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